
Our Mission

Our mission is to build understanding, empathy and respect for the English and British community. We aim to achieve this by raising awareness about the rise of Anglophobia.

We advocate for an end to discrimination based on English and British nationality or ethnicity in the workplace and in society at large.

We are driven by the need to address Anglophobia, a prejudice that threatens the social fabric of our society.

Our Objectives

Raise Awareness

We aim to raise awareness of the problems that arise with Anglophobia through education, online resources, and community outreach.

We will shine a spotlight on Anglophobia and its harmful effects on individuals and society.

Open Dialogue

We seek to promote constructive conversations that promote empathy, understanding, and mutual respect among people of diverse backgrounds.

By encouraging open dialogue, we aim to break down stereotypes and misconceptions about the English and British community.

Advocate Fairness

We support working fair practices and safe workplace environments. Where individuals of English descent are treated with dignity and afforded equal opportunities for advancement.

This includes addressing issues such as discrimination in hiring, promotion, and workplace harassment.

Unite Against Hate

We stand against hate speech and discrimination to ensure that laws are effectively enforced which protect victims of hate crimes.

By holding perpetrators accountable, we strive to create safer communities for all individuals, regardless of their nationality.

Educate to Eradicate Hate

We offer resources for those who have experienced Anglophobia, including advice on how to reach out to for support.

By empowering individuals to stand up against discrimination, we work towards creating a more inclusive society.

Collaborate to Celebrate

We strive to collaborate with partner organisations, institutions, and individuals committed to combating discrimination and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Through collective action, we aim to amplify our impact and drive meaningful change on a societal level.

Our Vision

Our vision is not only to reduce Anglophobia, but eradicate it altogether to make prejudice based on nationality a relic of the past. We seek a world where English and British culture is not only tolerated, and actively celebrated as a source of strength and unity.

Through our collective efforts, we aim to shed light on the challenges surrounding this issue. We must tackle the misconceptions and stereotypes that perpetuate discrimination against individuals of English and British descent.

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